Eyes on the ball

I believe it is no secret that perhaps today almost everyone in Egypt is getting ready to watch the world cup, and perhaps have very high ambitions and expectations. But there’s one person who is giving the Egyptian population that level of high hope. One person who in so many ways is restoring the faith …

الدم السايح

كفرت بيكم و بمعتقداتكم! كفرت بيكم و بكل كلامكم ! يلعن ابوكم على كذبكم ! يلعن ابو عينوكم اللى كلها شهوة حيوانية ! كتبت زينب تلك الكلمات بعد أن عادت الى منزلها فى حالة من التذبذب و جسمها كله تسيطر عليه قشعريرة مخيفة…سقط القلم من يدها و إنفجرت فى البكاء … “ليه يا رب كده …

The Fire of Gideon

Gideon had lunch with his family or friends, food was too much and he later went to bed. Only to wake up and find himself in a different place and time, next to him was a note … He woke up to find himself in a house surrounded by photos on the walls of himself …

Twenty three hours and a half

She walked slowly into this cafe around 8:30 in the morning, headed to her usual spot by the window that oversaw road 9 in Maadi, she had her sunglasses on and kept them on despite being inside.. She normally didn’t prefer to have much of eye contact with anyone during the early mornings, she liked …

Drum Roll

It was a very quiet night when Raymon ( Raymond but in Egyptian the D is just ignored) walked into that new jazz club in farthest part of the fifth settlement quite a deserted area to begin with , and they’d never been to before nor he or the band… He adjusted his black framed …

Soy La Reina

Shereen walked into the pole session that day with a face that pretty much looked as if she’d been hit by a bus.. Her eyes seemed so tired like never before. Gigi the trainer who came from Acapulco , Mexico, walked by Shereen and noticed how tired she looked, and looked at her “Hey Chica! …


He woke up exceptionally early on that day, pressed a gentle kiss against the forehead of his loved wife while she still sleeps. He got dressed very quickly and headed off to work. Cairo at 6:30 am in the morning on any day of the week is an exceptionally beautiful place. You would really get …

The Cold Cup of Enskede

  Nada sat in the corner of her new place or what she from now on would have to call her place, in the rented small flat on the outskirts of Stockholm in a town called Enskede. It has been 2 months since she’d arrived, and was busy settling down, getting accustomed to the new …


  Shereen woke up and sat in her bed, she closed her eyes for a few seconds and she could see the events of her life streaming right in front of her mind but she shook her head, she didn’t want that , not so early in the morning. She stretched a bit and got …

The Defiance of the pole

  Shereen sat at her desk during a short break she had at the bank where she worked, having a regular green salad that she added some amount of vinaigrette to change its blandness to a more agreeable taste, while at it she was watching some YouTube videos on her smart phone in some sort …

The Door Maker

  She walks along the streets quietly forever more.. Armed with a camera and nothing more.. Looking across the buildings and windowed floors.. Scouring carefully at the doors.. A light, some shade, angles and a click.. The shutter moves snapping a moment in time of eternal memories from ancient times.. The wood has a story …

The Last drink – Mini Series Episode 1

Mr. Tao, an American of Chinese origin went up to his room in the fifteenth floor after spending quite a good time in the bar of a famous luxurious five star hotel in Hong Kong. Chanting and singing holding his bottle of whiskey he walked into the room. He stayed in a spacious suite with …

Pulling back the stick

I’m known.. In fact , I’m too well known for my fondness of WWII history.. An era that can be called traumatic and responsible for many things including the shape of the world we live in today.. But it was never the darkest pits of human suffering during this war that fascinated me, but rather …

Carlyle Labschangue and ‘The Broken Destiny’

Today I would like to take the opportunity the great opportunity of interviewing our guest Carlyle Labuschagne *Offers the guest a seat and serves them some water while the spot lights begin to fixate on the interview location* T: So welcome with us and it’s a pleasure to have you here! So let’s get started, …

Forgotten Realms

A realm lost within my words

Michael Ehrhardt

Permanenter Ausstellungsraum

this is... The Neighborhood

the Story within the Story

Dates & Saffron

Digging into my middle eastern roots one stew at a time



Sharing History

Reflections of a Public Historian

Matt Miklic

Designer, and other useful things.

Author Mccloskey Speaks

A great WordPress.com site


life of a globetrotting family of 5 in the US foreign service

In Sight

"A moment's insight is sometimes worth a lifetime's experience" - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Simone Jones Tyner

A parenting and lifestyle blog that features parenting advice, recipes, DIY ideas, fashion tips and inspiration


An American in Quirky Johannesburg

Kelly Barnhill

Author, teacher, mom. Newbery medalist. Terrible gardener. Maker of pie.

Hoarded Ordinaries

Mundane musings from a collector of the quotidian


My photo blog... visual thoughts around me.